Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Ace Digital Marketing Scam Alert

Ace Digital Marketing

Is another scam company that keeps popping up with the Global-Optins group. Obviously these companies are being operated by the same person.

Ace Digital Marketing Location

Ace Digital Marketing only has a "virtual office" at
701 Brickell Ave, 
Miami, FL 
They are actually located outside the United States.

They go under many different names such as Global-Optins.

https://www.global-optins.com They are too stupid to even get their address format correct on the phony invoices they send out. They add commas in the wrong places on their address format.

Tradeshow Lists that are phony

When you order one of their Tradeshow Lists, Global-Optins will promise a list of attendees directly from the Tradeshow that you have recently attended or have been an exhibitor for. What they actually provide is a list of random people who have nothing related to the industry. They could at least try to fake it and send you a list of people related to the industry. Once again though they are probably some uneducated 3rd world nation that rather spend the time to scam people then actually provide a real service.

I am always shocked by the amount of effort companies like this put in to scam people. They could be providing a real marketing and email services and make real money.

Exhibitor Lists

What they really do is go on to tradeshow websites and pull the "Who's Exhibiting" list. Then they start sending emails out offering Attendee Lists to those exhibitors. Next comes the money grab. They will stall for days about providing the Attendees List. And then they go silent as you struggle with a ineffective list.

How can you spot these phony marketing companies

  1. Ask that they call you on the phone. If they actually call you back then just tell them you will call them back in 3 minutes. Look up the number they called from and see if it is a google number. If so, ADD 1 to suspicions.
  2. Ask for a list of 500 people names but they can blank out the rest of the data. If they refuse then tell them to hit the road. 
  3. Check their address formats on their website and emails. These companies will often put Texas, USA in their address formats. This is a obvious sign of not being a US company. 
  4. If the deal is too good to be true, it is. If they offer you an email list of 100,000 people in your industry for $1500, then ignore them. 

Global-Optins Marketing

Global-Optins Marketing Services

Global-Optins only has a "virtual office" at
701 Brickell Ave, 
Miami, FL 
They are actually located outside the United States.

They go under many different names such as Ace Digital Marketing. They are too stupid to even get their address format correct on the phony invoices they send out. They add commas in the wrong places on their address format.

Tradeshow Lists that are phony

When you order one of their Tradeshow Lists, Global-Optins will promise a list of attendees directly from the Tradeshow that you have recently attended or have been an exhibitor for. What they actually provide is a list of random people who have nothing related to the industry. They could at least try to fake it and send you a list of people related to the industry. Once again though they are probably some uneducated 3rd world nation that rather spend the time to scam people then actually provide a real service.

I am always shocked by the amount of effort companies like this put in to scam people. They could be providing a real marketing and email services and make real money.

Exhibitor Lists

What they really do is go on to tradeshow websites and pull the "Who's Exhibiting" list. Then they start sending emails out offering Attendee Lists to those exhibitors. Next comes the money grab. They will stall for days about providing the Attendees List. And then they go silent as you struggle with a ineffective list.

How can you spot these phony marketing companies

  1. Ask that they call you on the phone. If they actually call you back then just tell them you will call them back in 3 minutes. Look up the number they called from and see if it is a google number. If so, ADD 1 to suspicions.
  2. Ask for a list of 500 people names but they can blank out the rest of the data. If they refuse then tell them to hit the road. 
  3. Check their address formats on their website and emails. These companies will often put Texas, USA in their address formats. This is a obvious sign of not being a US company. 
  4. If the deal is too good to be true, it is. If they offer you an email list of 100,000 people in your industry for $1500, then ignore them.